Following is a patch to Suitcase II 1.2.11 to work around an incompatibility with SuperBoomerang 2.0.3 that can cause error "-43" on opening a suitcase file. The patch is safe for all users (even if not using SuperBoomerang). At this writing, it is not known whether SuperBoomerang 3.0, just released, requires this patch to Suitcase II 1.2.11.
For safety's sake, it is recommended that you make this patch ONLY WHILE NO COPY OF SUITCASE II IS INSTALLED.
With ResEdit, open the copy of Suitcase II that is to be patched. Double- click on the DRVR resource type, and then choose Open Using Hex Editor from the Resources menu. Choose Find Hex from the Find menu. In the Change Hex dialog box, CAREFULLY type the patch values (ResEdit will not echo the spaces if you type them; they are shown here for readability). Then click the Find Next button (if ResEdit beeps, there is an error in the "Find Hex" values). Then click the Change button. Quit, confirming that changes are to be saved.